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3 条评论
2022年8月9日 上午5:27

Hello. And Bye.

2022年8月10日 下午9:08

Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.
Honesty is the best policy.
The complete quote was, A Jack of all trades and master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.
Another memorable aphorism is, An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Then use it as a guideline to stay focused on your general theme.
The term aphorism originates from late Latin aphorismus and Greek aphorismos.
If you do, you agree with George Herbert’s famous aphorism from his book, Outlandish Proverbs.
Speaking of being safe, that’s another aphorism example that you’ve probably heard before.
He played the villain in the movie that famously stated.
Honesty is the best policy.
That’s not what you expected, was it.
Another memorable aphorism is, An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
From there, you can build your story around it.
They’re inspirational quotes.
If you do, you agree with George Herbert’s famous aphorism from his book, Outlandish Proverbs.
So what do you do.

2022年8月18日 上午10:14

We see this in literature all the time.
Fall seven times, stand up eight.
Another example comes from Spider-Man, where Uncle Ben turns to Peter Parker and says, With great power comes great responsibility.
This aphorism is short and sweet, but it teaches us a valuable truth.
Interestingly enough, this saying was initially intended as a compliment.
Aphorisms state universal truths about life that encourage reflection.
Your stories can benefit from this method too.
How many times have you heard one of the following aphorism examples.
Examples of Aphorism in Literature
This famous motto highlights the truism that life is full of ups and downs.
Michael Corleone from The Godfather II disagreed with that.
Aphorism Examples in Everyday Speech
Yup, he was reminding Philadelphians that preventing fires is better than fighting them.
Now you might be asking.
Pick an aphorism that relates to your message and use it to stay focused on your overarching theme.
They’re in social media captions all over the web.


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